Friday, 12 May 2017

Term 2 Week 2

Buddhist Temple  

 On Thursday 11 of May Year 5&6 went to Buddhist  
 Temple. At 9:20  we arrived at the Buddhist Temple 
It was Raining and They stood there umbrellas so we didn't get so wet. Inside we split into groups numbers of 1,2,3,4, I was in 3 and so was my Friends

First We learnt about the grass there. If you stood on it I would bounce back up. We couldn't stand on the grass because it was raining. Then We Origami and we made lotus flowers for mothers day (DON'T TELL MUM!!!....)  Next We Went to a statue and pored  water over it and said these words "say good words" "think good thoughts" "do good deeds" 

As We walked into a Huge Room and watched a video about Buddha then The spotlight comes on me and I was a movie star (just kidding) we turned into bee's and birds and we write a wish and that wish come true My wish was to get taller....  I know I'm migget 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by Don't Tell Mom