Friday, 28 November 2014

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Jack and the Beanstalk

write a fairytale
I forgot my fullstops so Mrs Rist said hmm
hmm hmm. Why didn't you put fullstops in your writing?"
I was to busy with my describing words and forgot to do it.

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mum and the cow with spots  that didn’t give milk.  They lived in a  wooden cottage. They were super poor! So she said take the cow to the market and get  so special money.  So he sold the cow for magic mysterious beans. He took the beans home and showed them to his mum. His mum said “you sold the cow for plain BEANS!!’’ And angrily threw the beans out the window.  The next morning Jack saw the green beanstalk so he clamibed it. At the top of the beanstalk there was  a  green big hugger huge giant. And saw a  magic golden harp so he stole the harp and show it to this mum his mum said stelling is not good said Jack mum so he stole a mysterious chicken that laid golden eggs and stole some more shiney gold$$$  he ran down the green beanstalk and cut down the beanstalk before the  hugger giant climbed down the beanstalk and they were rich and they lived happily ever after.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Cross Country

Honey bees

We  are learning to  write some labels for a honey bee here a some facts about
honey bees.
1.a bee has to get pollen from a flower and go to another flower of the same kind to make a seed.
2.the queen is the long is't of them all.
3.the guard  bee give up  there lives and sting the wasp that comes in the bee hive.
4the qeen bee stays at the hive and weight for the worker bees to get the pollen and put it down a hole
5. and after a Year the pollen terns into honny  is yummy
6.the queen bee lays the egg frist the queen 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Comparing Information

I  have made a popplet to show how you can save water and electricity! me and my buddy Nevaeh  made this popplet  together we work as a team and we finished with this peice of work. 
1.  turn off the light  when no one is in that type of place
2. turn the tap off when no one is using it
3. turn the stove off when no one is cooking

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Word Problems

It was easy to think of the answers.
The question was 8+11=19.
I need some help for putting the numbers in the correct place. I used tidy tens to help me get the right answer.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Toys Comparison

I have good sentences but my fullstops and capital letters I need a little help.
I need to go  back some times.  I think that I am a good writer.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Making Text to Text Connections

It was hard for me to use different books to do one thing the other. I could make a connection between the animals. I want to try with harder books but with less writing.

Spinach Dip

I used step by step instructions to write a description about how to make spinach dip. I had to think about it for quite a while. 


Friday, 5 September 2014


I skip counted for some of the questions. I just knew some of them. It was easy to figure them out.  I got 6 right and  0 wrong.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Math Olympilad

 Team one came first    team 2 came fourth.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Features of Non-fiction Texts

I am learning to find the features of a non fiction text. I have made a comic book page 
to explain a contents and photos  and a list and a index and title. I am proud of my work. Now I know what to look for.

Spliting numbers

I am learning  to  split numbers in my head

it was hard to think  and to count forward and make a tidy ten first.

I think I  have improved.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Puddle play poem

Text to Text Connections

 I am learning to make connections between texts. This was really hard because the work was very long and didn't do much work.  I think I can do better. 

Monday, 9 June 2014

Postcard to a Character

I have made a postcard to sent to Danny Bell.  I was learning  to write  a postcard to Danny Bell.   
It was easy because i now what  it feels like to brake my arm.

Kapa Haka

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Place Value

My Reflection 
I found this hard because it was to hard to count my numbers.  
My next step is to keep practising place value problems.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Making a Plan

I am learning to write a plan before I write my story.  It was easy to make a small moments.  I was able to match my plan and my writing. I will use a plan again.

on Saturday I went to Hobbiton
"The Continental" Bus
Odd looking happy face by kuromi59
I saw everything  and  I watched the movie after.
On Saturday I went to Hobbiton. It was a long trip in the bus. I felt happy. I saw everything and I watched the movie afterwards. I went with my mum and my dad and Jackson. There were Hobbit holes and the party tree! There was fake moss on it. The tree was big. 

Monday, 19 May 2014

Making Connections

 I am learning to make a connection. It was hard to compare the characters and my self. now I am going  to do to difit characters.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Tapa Cloth

I made this tapa cloth at Te Tuhi. It tells my story.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Making Predictions

I predicted that Pickles is going to get lost. I had to read the book.
It was  hard to read the book but when I read the  book my prediction was wrong.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Fullstops and capital letters

I am learning to put full stops and capital letters. Is hard to put fullstops and capital letters in the right places. My sentences are fabulous!  Fullstops  are really good to use because if they never existed what would stop the sentence?  I have to try hard to put my full stops in.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Year 3, Welcome

Welcome to my Blog with Mrs Rist.

Me and my brother like to play on the trampoline. I also like to dress up  as a zombie. I really want to go to Rainbows End. I am looking forward to my birthday  party. My favourite thing is hunting with my dad I hunt deers.